Aufgrund der aktuellen Preise können wir nicht mehr Mittagstisch Rabatte anbieten.
In unserem Online-Bestellservice kannst Du bequem mit Paypal, VISA oder Mastercard bezahlen.
In unserer Küche arbeiten wir selbstverständlich nur mit geschultem Personal, und unter strikter Einhaltung der zusätzlichen Hygienevorschriften zu COVID-19, die vom Gesundheitsamt ausgegeben wurden.
At KNEIPE 41 we offer meals of excellent quality and invite you to try our delicious food.
The key to our success is simple: providing quality consistent food that taste great every single time. We pride ourselves on serving our customers delicious genuine dishes like: Pizza, Salads, Pasta
Eat delicious food. Grab a drink. But most of all, relax! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support.
Looking for food delivery in Darmstadt? Not everybody knows or has the time to prepare tasty food.
When you want to get served like a king then food delivery from KNEIPE 41 will be your best choice.
Simply select "Delivery" at the checkout screen and we hope you'll appreciate our food delivery service.